Leader in Me Program — Best Cbse Schools in Hosur

 It was a true honour for M S Dhoni Global School to be felicitated by Mr. Sean Covey, the reputed American business executive, author, speaker and president of Franklin Covey Education along with the presence of Mr. William McIntyre, Vice President, Franklin Covey Education and Dr. Kannan Gireesh CEO, Live-Life Education.

Our Vice chairman, Mr. Vineeth Chandrasekar, had a great one-on-one interaction with Mr. Sean on developing leadership in schools and bringing Four Disciplines of Execution to educational organizations. Both our schools, M S Dhoni Global School, Hosur & M S Dhoni Global School, Bengaluru were felicitated by Mr. Sean for their work in bringing leadership to school curriculum. The awards were received by Mr. Vineeth Chandrasekar, Vice chairman, MS Dhoni Global School, Bengaluru.

We thank all the support from our students & parents in showing their immense support with the #LeaderInMe Program which has been introduced in the schools.

FOR ADMISSINONS :-https://www.msdhoniglobalschoolhosur.com/contact/

9385919166, 9385919165,info@msdgshosur.com

#msdgs #msdhoni #cbseschool #mahendrasinghdhoni #hosurschool #cricketacademy #dhonicricketacademy #nammahosur

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